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The Archive:
On Resilience and Motherhood
In motherhood, there is no clear way to define success
and a million ways to fail.
Therein lies a million opportunities
to gain resilience and grow.
To insist an email changed my life is a bold statement teetering on melodrama, but you can read on about resilience, motherhood and how I became a writer in a burn unit on Substack, where you will also find a short book honoring this chapter in my life:
On Substack, you can also subscribe to my newsletter, The Artistry of Faith (it's free), or find me @TheMagdaleneThread co-creating essays and conversations on heart-based spirituality and extraordinary faith.
In this space, you will find an archive of the writing I stand on today - work published in various publications from parenting to psychology that chronicles my evolution as a writer and the word-by-word process of healing that inspired my forthcoming memoir on faith and flourishing: The Good Within Our Midst.
The Art of Letting Go—a blog feature by WYLD Leadership, 2018
Peas are Peas & Other Advice—published on then picked up and rerun by ABC News, 2016
I Didn’t Believe in Rainbow Babies—a Huffington Post feature, 2016
I'm Not a Parenting Expert—published by Scary Mommy in 2016
A Note on Positive Parenting—published in the MAPP Alumni Magazine, 2017
The Power of Gratitude—published by The Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors, 2015
Growing Through Adversity—published on Positive Psychology News Daily, 2015
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